Brand Power Home Tester Club
The Brand Power Home Tester Club is a market research organization that specializes in product testing and product sampling. They have created an online community whereby people can participate in various product sampling and tests, and then share their opinions, feedback and advice directly through the website. The Brand Power Home Tester Club already has thousands of members from around the world, and they are always looking for more people to join this online community. The feedback that you provide on the products that you have been assigned to test will be used directly by the company concerned, and thus you will be able to see the impact of your participation in the products that you use.
As a Brand Power Home Tester, you will receive free sample packages containing a selection of grocery and supermarket products, which you will be required to use and evaluate accordingly. From time to time, the club will also send you email in order to gather your views on various other products and brands, and, often included in these emails are chances to enter promotions and win a range of prizes. Join Now
In order to become a part of this product testing panel, you will need to visit the Home Tester Club website.